A rather wise man is said to have once said that parents ideally give their children two things for life: Roots (for traction) and wings (for dreaming). What a good idea! However, there might be three things missing: Strength of character, a golf set and a sense of rules. And where better to convey and experience these than on the golf course...
- daily from 3 p.m. (from 21 September from 2 p.m.)
- only at the Zuoz-Madulain golf course
- children up to 12 years play for free
- children and teenagers without a handicap or playing ability are allowed to play golf on the course accompanied by a golfing adult
- from 13 years 50% reduction on the regular green fee
- start time reservation required: by phone or email

Dogs are allowed on our golf course if the following rules are observed:
- Only Monday to Friday from 4 p.m. (from 21 September from 3 p.m.)
- Only Zuoz-Madulain golf course
- Golf is characterized by calmless and concentration; the dog must be able to behave accordingly
- Your dog should always sit or lie on your bag with every stroke
- The dog obeys your word so that you know how to avoid digging in the bunker, a dip in the water hazard or the hunt for a golf ball or animal
- A leash is mandatory, both during the entire lap and around the clubhouse
- Carrying pouches is absolutely necessary. Impurities must be removed immediately
- If you bring a dopg, you accept full liability for damage to people and materials
- You register your dog before the rounde - ideally directly with your start time reservation
- Subject to changes

Free play on our golf courses - regulation.
A playing license and an active clubmembership to play on the Samedan and Zuoz-Madulain golf courses is required.
Starting times
Reservations can be made 3 days in advance.
Bookings already 4 - 14 days in advance ONLY possible with onlinebooking & direct payment (ATTENTION: non-refundable (see terms & conditions))
Secure your start time unlimited in advance? It is possible!
Whe you are a guest in one of our Engadin Golf Hotels. The hotel will be happy to book your tee times accordingly.
open - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Driving range
open - 10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
A l’En Dadour 17
7503 Samedan
T +41 81 851 04 66
M +41 76 732 04 66
E samedan@engadin-golf.ch
Driving range
Sur En
7524 Zuoz
T +41 81 851 35 80
M +41 76 732 04 66
E zuoz@engadin-golf.ch